Kiera Brew Kurec (Panel Discussions) Archiving the Temporal: Emanate
Dates: April 21, April 28, and April 30 2022
Accompanying Kiera Brew Kurec’s project Archiving the Temporal: Emanate, Bus Projects will be hosting a public program incorporating three panel discussions with esteemed Australian and International performance practitioners, academics and historians over the month of April. The discussions encompass ritual as a basis for performance making, ethical reinterpretation/re-performance, and methodologies in performance archiving. These talks are facilitated by Kiera Brew Kurec, generously hosted by Bus Projects and supported by the City of Yarra.
Sibyl Kempson and Tony Yap – Ritual and Performance / Thursday 21st April, 7.30pm (online)
In this discussion playwright and performer Sibyl Kempson joins dancer, director, choreographer and visual artist Tony Yap to discuss how ritual has informed their performance making. Facilitated by Kiera Brew Kurec the discussion will cover the influence of ritual and ceremony in Kempson’s work 12 Shouts to the Ten Forgotten Heavens, a three-year performance presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art between 2016 and 2018; and Yap’s research on Javanese trance practices and his subsequent work Shadow’s Light 2018 presented at Testing Grounds.
Salote Tawale, Hannah Raisin and Eugenia Lim – Remembering Memory Screens / Thursday 28th April, 8.30pm (online)
Artist and curator Eugenia Lim along with artists Hannah Raisin and Salote Tawale join Kiera Brew Kurec to discuss Memory Screens, a performance event curated by Eugenia Lim and Laura Castagnini at ACMI in 2013 as part of Channels Video Art Festival. Raisin and Tawale and other artists reinterpreted notable performances from performance history including Carolee Schneemann’s Interior Scroll and Susan Mogul’s Dressing Up. The discussion will incorporate the ethics of re-performance, the program’s curatorial premise, and the artists personal process of re-interpretation and Rasin’s later exhibition of ephemera from the performance.
Cori Olinghouse, Amaara Raheem and Robert Lazarus – Methodologies in Performance Archiving / Saturday 30th April, 10.30am (online)
Artist, archivist and curator Cori Olinghouse, dance artist Amaara Raheem, and researcher Robert Lazarus join Kiera Brew Kurec to discuss alternate methodologies for performance archiving outside of photography and video. The discussion will explore embodied memory, communication of knowledge systems, audience and institutional responsibility, automated archiving and the processes and research outcomes of guests in their practice and/or research.
All sessions will take place over Zoom. A Q & A will follow each session.
Please RSVP your name and session preference to info@busprojects.org.au