Helen Johnson, Phip Murray, Carl Scrase, Marcus Westbury, Tim Webster Forum: Faking Space
Opening: Wednesday 17 February, 6:30pm Dates: Wednesday 17 February 2010
Helen Johnson - Artist and Arts Victoria Arts Development Grants Panelist
Phip Murray - Artist, Director of Westspace and Editor of Un Magazine
Carl Scrase - Artist and Co-founder of O Projects
Marcus Westbury - Broadcaster, Writer, Media Maker and Festival Director
Chaired by Tim Webster - Artist and Chair of Bus Projects
When rents were cheap and space was abundant, Melbourne burst forth with many groups of artists staking a piece of concrete and calling it an Artist Run Initiative. Many prospered while many more faltered. And many of those that are left face similar challenges including being priced out of the market. So it must be asked: are ARIs still relevant in providing a space for artists? Have our expectations of their role changed? With many projects traversing different disciplines, are physical gallery spaces even necessary? And when these spaces are forged, are they worth keeping - or are they actually stifling a newer, younger generation of artist led projects spaces?
A conversation with four different artists, writers and producers discussing their own experience as part of self-actualised projects, their motivations and their measure of success.
This event is free, but places are limited so please RSVP to avoid disappointment
See www.busprojects.com.au for further information and updates
Faking Space is part of a series of discussions, workshops and forums staged by Bus Projects. Look out for:
3rd March - “I wanna make art and I wanna get paid” Business basics for artists
17th March - Where are they now? Musings from previous Bus artists